daddy & mommy, boy & girl
female & male
boy & girl
dog & cat
Established in 2009, HK ModelPlus Media Ltd. (“HKModelPlus”, “we”,”us” or “our”), a leading modelling and event management agency in Hong Kong based.
Our team has become the standard of the modelling industry in Hong Kong for over 10 years and will continue to maintain and improve on the high standard of our services, providing MC, talent, model and photographer for advertisements, TV commercials, online video, press release, events & promotions. We are proud to provide excellent services to our clients and the exceptional level of professionalism demonstrated by our models and team.
HK ModelPlus Media Ltd成立於2009年。 (“HKModelPlus”、“我們”或“我們的”)是位於香港的藝人模特兒和活動管理公司。